In his autobiography “Coughing forbidden - A Life with a Rare Disease”, Hansruedi Silberschmidt describes his life and medical path to PCD diagnosis and beyond.

Despite having typical symptoms since birth, Hansruedi was diagnosed at age 39 after repeated visits to specialists and pulmonary rehabillitation clinics. In his book he describes vividly the difficult path of a person with PCD through life, how he navigated through the labyrinth of modern medicine and how was able to participate successfully in life despite his chronic illness. This autobiography was just published and it is an empowering read for people with PCD and their families. The book is available in bookstores and online retailers, in German with the original title "Husten verboten- Ein Leben mit einer seltenen Krankheit". The ISBN number for the book is ISBN 978-3-907243-00-8.