We would like to invite all patients representatives and people with PCD to the next online meeting of WP3 of the BEAT-PCD clinical research collaboration on Friday March 18th at 17:00-18:00 CET.
At the last meeting, we discussed unmet needs and areas that could benefit from our support. We jointly identified that a European patient congress could be helpful to improve communication among support groups with representatives of patient engagement groups and patients. We would like this to be an (online or hybrid) congress co-organised by BEAT-PCD and PCD support groups.
Therefore, we would like at this next meeting to discuss more in detail how to proceed and how you can be involved in the planning of European PCD patient congress.
We would be glad if you joined the meeting using the following link:
Meeting ID: 639 1723 3917
Passcode: 337714
For more information contact:
Myrona Goutaki myrofora.goutaki@ispm.unibe.ch and Jobst Rohmel jobst.roehmel@charite.de