What is this talk about?
What are the psychological consequences of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and other respiratory diseases? What kind of psychological countermeasures can be provided to manage stress, anxiety, and for foster coping strategies? We will discuss how psychological and mind/body techniques can be an important support. One’s health isn’t just on the body level, but it is an integration of physical, psychological, and social aspects.
About Prof Francesco Pagnini:
Francesco Pagnini (Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Psy.D. in Integrated Psychotherapy) is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in Milan (Italy). For about 10 years, he worked as post-doctoral Associate at Harvard University, and has been visiting professor at Karolinska Institutet and the University of Cambridge. He is primarily interested in the study of how psychological components can influence physical aspects, with the aim to produce new psychological training that can help to change the course of physical illnesses. His work places particular emphasis on the concept of mindfulness. He has been a consultant for the European Space Agency and NASA about the application of psychological interventions for astronauts in deep space missions. Author of more than 140 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including JAMA, PNAS, Lancet Psychiatry, and Psychological Inquiry, he has received several competitive grants from national and international agencies.
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