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2nd BEAT-PCD Conference and Training School / 3rd PCD Training School

  • ADEIT — Fundación Universidad Empresa de Valencia Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3. 46001 Valencia Spain (map)


The scientific programme for the 2nd BEAT-PCD Conference and Training School / 3rd PCD Training School is being planned and promises a wealth of excellent presentations and workshops. The meeting will be held in Valencia, Spain; 18th – 21st April 2017.  

The opportunity to hold the Conference and Training School alongside each other should lead to an exciting meeting. Some workshops and talks will be shared and others will be aimed primarily at either Early Career or Senior Researchers / Clinicians. In addition to plenary talks, a substantial amount of time has been reserved for oral presentations by young and senior members of BEAT-PCD; these talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts. A preliminary programme with plenary talks, workshops, expert consensus groups and STSM talks will be circulated in the New Year. The Conference programme will be finalised upon the selection of the oral presentations. You are therefore invited to submit your abstract, register for the meeting and book your hotel room ASAP!

Abstracts: Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are limited to 300 words (excluding affiliations), and should fit on one page. Abstracts will be published in the Open Access report of the Conference/ TS Proceedings. Please indicate whether you prefer an oral or poster presentation. Send your abstract submission directly to Ana Reula ( ) by 28th February.  The TS committee will select submissions for posters or oral presentations by 14th March.

Best presentations and posters will be awarded prizes at the meeting.

Presentations from project groups: if you have a BEAT-PCD project which has started or is in the planning stages, we would love you to give a short presentation. Please send a brief outline and nominate a presenter to Bruna Rubbo

Registration forms: Please register using the following link 

If you have technical problems with registration please email Justo Giner ( with a copy to ( For questions about the programme or reimbursements please contact Lynn Reeves

Booking of hotel rooms and travel: Delegates are responsible for booking their own accommodation and arranging transport. For additional information about local arrangements, please contact Ana Reula ( )

Reimbursement: According to COST rules reimbursement applies to MC members and of course invited speakers. We can also contribute to travel and accommodation of approximately 45 young members, and 25 senior clinicians/ academics. Please register early if you require reimbursement.

Earlier Event: February 12
Gordon Research Conference